7 tips for balding men
Visit a trichologist In 95% of cases, the cause of receding hairline is the effect of testosterone, but stress, poor diet, hormonal imbalances or defects in the immune system can also play a role. Optimize your diet, strive for psychological balance Important foods for healthy hair include salmon, poultry, legumes, nuts (especially cashews, pecans and […]
Myths about bathing in ponds or pools
Myth: Swimming in ponds is absolutely safe Despite the desire of many to believe in this statement, in fact it is far from the truth. TOP 3 diseases that can be transmitted by swimming in rivers or ponds: Stomach flu. This is a disease characterized by inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines, […]
What is included in the check-up for men?
To begin with, it is recommended to consult a therapist who will give recommendations regarding the necessary examinations. To assess the condition of the body, it is recommended to undergo the following tests A general and biochemical blood test, which allows you to assess the general condition of the body, identify the presence of infections […]
Checklist for checking women’s health
Sometimes the body does not immediately show signs of possible problems, without accompanied by noticeable pain. However, once problems become apparent, resolving them may require significantly more time and expense than in the early stages. Age 18-35. Save this list Carrying out an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands is extremely important for health. Regular […]
Six health documentaries that will make you reconsider your current lifestyle
Do you like documentaries? If yes, then this collection is for you! “That Sugar Film” Released in 2014, the film, created by Australian director Damon Gameau, is a unique experiment in which he exercises strict control over his diet. This film stuns its viewers not only with the amount of sugar we encounter in everyday […]
10 myths about baby health that you should stop believing
Myth: You can’t bathe a child during ARVI – he’ll get even sicker We suffer not from water, but from contact with viral infections that can cause illness. In fact, taking a bath when you have a fever can be beneficial as it can help reduce your fever and extend the time between taking your […]
Myths about immunity and immunomodulators
In the field of medicine and healthcare, there are a number of myths and misunderstandings about how to properly strengthen the immune system or reduce the risk of disease. Let’s look at some of the most common misconceptions and analyze how they correspond to reality. Myth #1: Immunomodulators are the key to strong immunity When […]
Myths and facts about blood donation: revealing the truth
Giving blood for donation is a noble act that has many positive consequences for both the donor and the people in need of the blood. Donated blood can save the lives of people suffering from severe injuries, bleeding, cancer, anemia and other medical conditions that require blood transfusions. Regular blood donations help maintain blood supplies […]
Myths about HIV
Myth: HIV is incurable Indeed, the human immunodeficiency virus is incurable. However, modern medicine offers effective methods of maintaining health in people living with HIV. When antiretroviral therapy is started early, patients can achieve the same level of life expectancy and quality of life as people without HIV. It is important to remember that when […]
5 traditional medicine methods that don’t work
Myth: Garlic and lemon cure flu and colds Garlic is generally viewed as a healthy food, but using it as the sole means of flu prevention may not be effective. The phytoncides contained in garlic, in those small quantities usually consumed in food, may have only a limited effect on influenza viruses. Moreover, excessive consumption […]