True Health Facts

5 myths about mosquitoes and their bites

Myth: Mosquitoes carry viruses Although mosquitoes can transmit malaria, they do not transmit other diseases from person to person, including viral infections. Mosquitoes do not transmit infections between people, including HIV. There have been no documented cases of mosquito-borne transmission of hepatitis C and B viruses or COVID-19. Mosquitoes that transmit malaria are usually small […]

Myths about medicines and their safety

Myth: If you have a headache, you should take aspirin Although aspirin is an effective analgesic, it is not always the best choice for headache relief. Depending on the cause of the pain, other medications or treatments may be preferable. Aspirin, like other anti-inflammatory drugs, has serious side effects, such as possible development of inflammatory […]

Folk superfoods: are they healthy?

Myth: Drinking birch sap is beneficial Birch sap is slightly sweetened water with food minerals dissolved in it. Although it has no medicinal properties, it can be considered a safe mineral supplement to food. However, to get a significant amount of minerals from birch sap – about half an adult’s daily value of manganese and […]

Are people able to live without meat?

Myth: People can’t be healthy without meat The most valuable components in meat are protein, iron and vitamin B12. However, there are other products that can meet the need for these substances. For example, protein. 100 g of lean pork contains slightly more than 26 g of protein, which is about half the daily requirement. […]

3 myths about pregnancy

Myth: Breastfeeding is a reliable protection against pregnancy Many mothers are well aware of the dangers of this myth! Lactation is not an effective method of contraception. Lactational amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) is a real phenomenon. This is a complex mechanism, formed in the process of evolution, which allows a woman to successfully breastfeed her […]

Myths about healthy eating

Myth: It’s the calories that matter most when it comes to eating healthy. When choosing foods, we often pay attention to their calorie content, although this is a rather arbitrary indicator around which many myths have developed. How important is it really? A calorie is a unit of measurement of the heat required to raise […]

What can you do to reduce the incidence of ARVI?

How to protect yourself from ARVI? It is important to carry out hand washing procedures more often and during the epidemic to avoid places with large crowds of people. To maintain overall immunity, it is recommended to eat a regular and varied diet, not skip meals, get enough sleep and exercise. When a person encounters […]

How to avoid heatstroke and overheating?

Heatstroke occurs when the body’s heat balance is disrupted and the body loses its ability to cool itself effectively. One of the most common causes of heat stroke is high temperature combined with high humidity. This condition can be a serious health hazard that requires immediate attention. Typical signs of heat stroke include: fever, feeling […]

What medications should children not take?

Be sure to remember this and save the information! These medications are widely available in medicine cabinets and are often used by adults. However, they are contraindicated for children. The drug aspirin can cause serious complications, including Reye’s syndrome, a dangerous condition that can cause liver and brain problems. The use of analgin may increase […]

What pregnant women should not do: hidden dangers in ordinary things

Antibiotics It is undesirable to take antibiotics and drugs with teratogenic effects, as they can provoke the appearance of congenital pathologies. Self-medication is unacceptable. It is important to consult a doctor even if you feel minor discomfort. Extreme sports, long trips Avoid extreme sports such as diving and skiing, as well as horse riding and […]