True Health Facts

Does dog saliva heal wounds?

What does dog saliva consist of? Dog saliva is a complex and multifunctional biological fluid that performs a number of important functions in the animal’s body. It not only helps maintain oral hygiene by cleaning the mucous membrane and teeth from food debris, but also has protective properties, preventing the development of caries. It contains […]

Can all diseases be cured with medicine?

Myth: All diseases can be cured with drugs Drugs designed to treat or alleviate specific diseases and conditions may not solve all health problems or be the only solution to overall well-being. Increasing the number of medications will not lead to a faster recovery. Excessive dosage or improper use of drugs can cause unwanted side […]

This truth will help you when you’re sick

Myth: It is necessary to lower the fever When the temperature rises in the body, the process of producing interferons, which are important for fighting viruses and bacteria, is activated. These proteins stimulate the process of phagocytosis, in which phagocyte cells engulf and destroy infectious agents. Possible symptoms of fever include headache, aching bones, weakness, […]

What is good and what is bad for a child?

Myth: Children get sick because of walking There is currently controversy regarding children’s walks. Many pediatricians insist on their importance, while some sources and parents believe they can cause illness. This discussion is especially relevant during colder periods of the year, when many believe it is safer to stay warm at home or school. For […]

The most popular childhood diseases

ARVI ARVI in children under one year of age can lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia and bronchitis, as well as inflammation of the small airways. One of the main signs of the disease is wheezing, but its presence is observed only in 25-40% of children. And only less than 2% of them require […]

Top most common diseases in the world

Respiratory diseases Flu, ARVI, pneumonia. Particularly relevant during epidemics, when protection against infections becomes a priority. These diseases can lead to serious complications and require active medical intervention. Cardiovascular diseases Coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, stroke. These pathologies are the leading cause of death in many countries of the world and require an integrated approach […]

Myths and facts about blood donation: revealing the truth

Giving blood for donation is a noble act that has many positive consequences for both the donor and the people in need of the blood. Donated blood can save the lives of people suffering from severe injuries, bleeding, cancer, anemia and other medical conditions that require blood transfusions. Regular blood donations help maintain blood supplies […]

7 myths about spinal diseases

Back pain is a problem that almost every person faces sooner or later. There are many myths and unverified claims about the causes and treatments for these unpleasant sensations. Let’s look at a few of them. Myth 1: Sleeping on a hard mattress is beneficial There is a well-known opinion that sleeping on a hard […]

Myths about HIV

Myth: HIV is incurable Indeed, the human immunodeficiency virus is incurable. However, modern medicine offers effective methods of maintaining health in people living with HIV. When antiretroviral therapy is started early, patients can achieve the same level of life expectancy and quality of life as people without HIV. It is important to remember that when […]

Myths about hearing

Myth: Your hearing can get worse after a cold When a cold is complicated by an ear infection, it can lead to conductive hearing loss, which temporarily impairs hearing. This process is caused by obstacles in the path of sound waves to the sensitive cells of the inner ear, caused by purulent or exudative secretions […]