General recommendations for using headphones
Proper and safe use of headphones plays an important role in maintaining hearing and overall health. When used correctly, headphones do not pose a threat to hearing loss, inflammation or other health problems. However, chronic use of high volumes to suppress environmental sounds, such as traffic or workplace noise, can cause severe and permanent hearing […]
How to prevent tooth decay?
Brush your teeth regularly Twice a day, at least two minutes each time. Although you can use a regular toothbrush for brushing, it is easier to master proper brushing techniques with an electric one. It is advisable to change the brush every three to four months. Clean the spaces between your teeth at least once […]
What should be in a home medicine cabinet?
Today we have prepared for you not a myth, but useful material! Each home should have the necessary first aid supplies ready until medical personnel arrive or until the morning when specialists can be contacted. It includes: Accessories for wound treatment and dressing; Medicines; Auxiliary instruments such as tweezers, thermometer and tonometer. Supplies for treating […]
10 myths about baby health that you should stop believing
Myth: You can’t bathe a child during ARVI – he’ll get even sicker We suffer not from water, but from contact with viral infections that can cause illness. In fact, taking a bath when you have a fever can be beneficial as it can help reduce your fever and extend the time between taking your […]
Myths about immunity and immunomodulators
In the field of medicine and healthcare, there are a number of myths and misunderstandings about how to properly strengthen the immune system or reduce the risk of disease. Let’s look at some of the most common misconceptions and analyze how they correspond to reality. Myth #1: Immunomodulators are the key to strong immunity When […]
3 important myths about pregnancy
Myth: You must have your first child before age 30. This myth was considered a mandatory standard at the time, based on the idea of “old-bearing” women after 25 years. However, in our time, this myth has lost its relevance, despite the presence of psychological pressure on women. Modern medicine refutes such restrictions, and now […]
Myths about IVF
Myths and misconceptions surrounding the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) often create unnecessary anxiety and unjustified fears among expectant parents. However, it is important to understand the real situation and turn to the facts. Myth: Test tube babies are weak and sick In fact, children born through IVF methods are no different from children […]
Myths about braces
Myth: Children’s plates are necessary, but it is better to get braces later Early orthodontic treatment does not guarantee that a child will not need braces in the future. However, early intervention may be the key to solving some orthodontic problems. There are several cases when it is recommended to use children’s plates in advance: […]
Myths about speech development in children
Myth: If your child doesn’t speak, you just have to wait Each child’s development is unique, and there is no need to panic if he does not follow generally accepted norms. Waiting is a normal reaction, but it is not always the only effective solution. Boys, as a rule, begin to speak later than girls. […]
Pregnancy: misconceptions and reality
Myth: Toxicosis in pregnant women is normal Toxicosis, accompanied by nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy, is often perceived as a normal condition – after all, from 50 to 80% of pregnant women experience it. However, limited to minor nausea and vomiting 2-3 times a day, without weight loss, this is more […]