7 unexpected hygiene tips
What you need to know about hygiene: 7 unexpected tips Since childhood, we are taught basic hygiene skills: leave outdoor shoes at the entrance, wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating. These simple rules help keep your home clean and prevent the spread of infections. However, there are many other aspects of […]
What is good and what is bad for a child?
Myth: Children get sick because of walking There is currently controversy regarding children’s walks. Many pediatricians insist on their importance, while some sources and parents believe they can cause illness. This discussion is especially relevant during colder periods of the year, when many believe it is safer to stay warm at home or school. For […]
The most popular childhood diseases
ARVI ARVI in children under one year of age can lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia and bronchitis, as well as inflammation of the small airways. One of the main signs of the disease is wheezing, but its presence is observed only in 25-40% of children. And only less than 2% of them require […]
6 tips on how to take care of your eyes and myths about vision
Some tips on how to take care of your eyes if you need to work with gadgets Be aware of regular blinking – a person typically blinks about 15 times per minute. However, when using gadgets, we blink only 5-7 times per minute. Blinking more often helps moisturize the cornea of the eye, preventing dryness. […]
12 tips to fall asleep faster
Use these tips to fall asleep faster: Carry out an information detox by avoiding gadgets two hours before bed. Eliminate caffeine at least six hours before you go to bed. Maintain regular sleep, go to bed and get up at the same time. Go for walks before bedtime, such a relaxed activity will slow your […]
What can you do to reduce the incidence of ARVI?
How to protect yourself from ARVI? It is important to carry out hand washing procedures more often and during the epidemic to avoid places with large crowds of people. To maintain overall immunity, it is recommended to eat a regular and varied diet, not skip meals, get enough sleep and exercise. When a person encounters […]
Good to know! Swimming Safety Tips
What to do if your leg cramps while swimming? When you encounter a cramp in your leg, immerse yourself in water and try to stretch your foot by pulling it towards you. You can also attach a small pin to your trunks: if a cramp suddenly occurs, prick the muscle to relieve the tension and […]
How to avoid heatstroke and overheating?
Heatstroke occurs when the body’s heat balance is disrupted and the body loses its ability to cool itself effectively. One of the most common causes of heat stroke is high temperature combined with high humidity. This condition can be a serious health hazard that requires immediate attention. Typical signs of heat stroke include: fever, feeling […]
What medications should children not take?
Be sure to remember this and save the information! These medications are widely available in medicine cabinets and are often used by adults. However, they are contraindicated for children. The drug aspirin can cause serious complications, including Reye’s syndrome, a dangerous condition that can cause liver and brain problems. The use of analgin may increase […]
What pregnant women should not do: hidden dangers in ordinary things
Antibiotics It is undesirable to take antibiotics and drugs with teratogenic effects, as they can provoke the appearance of congenital pathologies. Self-medication is unacceptable. It is important to consult a doctor even if you feel minor discomfort. Extreme sports, long trips Avoid extreme sports such as diving and skiing, as well as horse riding and […]