Myth: The healthiest meat is chicken
This assertion is not without foundation. White meat chicken or, say, turkey may actually be healthier than red meat such as pork, beef or lamb.
One hypothesis links eating large amounts of red meat to a possible risk of colon cancer because mammalian muscle tissue contains a lot of red respiratory protein known as myoglobin. These chemical compounds can contribute to the development of cancer processes.
Poultry contains less myoglobin, which makes it less red, and therefore produces fewer potentially harmful nitrogen compounds in the body of people who eat it.
When it comes to boiled or stewed meat, chicken may be a better option than red meat such as beef or pork due to its generally lower fat content.
However, if you choose only lean red meat, such as beef or pork tenderloin, it will be as healthy as chicken or turkey.
Myth: Red meat causes cancer, diabetes and heart disease
This statement has some basis. Mammalian meat may indeed increase the risk of developing chronic diseases, but this mainly applies to fatty meats or highly processed foods.
People who eat less saturated fat tend to have lower rates of heart disease.
The danger lies not so much in the red meat itself, but in its highly processed products, such as bacon, sausages and smoked meats, which are more harmful than boiled or stewed meat. This also applies to other processed foods such as chips, nuggets, cheese sticks and cookies.
Such foods often contain large amounts of salt, which can lead to water retention in the body and increased blood pressure. Excessive salt intake increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.
In your daily diet, it is advisable to replace fried meat with boiled or stewed meat, and also consume less processed foods such as boiled potatoes, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, whole grain bread, vegetables and fruits.
Myth: People can’t live without meat
Although meat is a source of protein, iron and vitamin B12, there are other foods that can meet your needs for these nutrients.
Protein. 100 grams of lean pork contains about 26 grams of protein, which is about half the daily value. However, 100 g of cooked soybeans contains 18 g of protein, containing all the essential amino acids.
Iron. Red meat is rich in iron: 100 g of lean pork contains about 1.15 mg of iron. While 100 g of baked beans contains even more – 1.4 mg.
Iron is also present in other foods such as legumes, dried fruits, whole grain porridge and bread. Although the absorption of iron from plant sources is less efficient, vegetarians can still get enough of this element.
Vitamin B12. This vitamin is found not only in meat, but also in dairy products. Strict vegans are recommended to take 250 mcg of vitamin B12 per day.
According to some studies, vegetarians may live longer because they tend to live healthier lives: they move more, smoke and drink less.