What you need to know about hygiene: 7 unexpected tips
Since childhood, we are taught basic hygiene skills: leave outdoor shoes at the entrance, wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating. These simple rules help keep your home clean and prevent the spread of infections.
However, there are many other aspects of hygiene that are not so obvious and may raise questions. For example, how to properly care for your ears? How often should you change your socks and underwear? Is it really necessary to make your bed every morning? These and other questions regarding everyday hygiene deserve attention, because the right answers to them can significantly affect our health and well-being. In this article, we have collected recommendations from experts – doctors and scientists who will help you understand these important issues.
TIP #1: Avoid using cotton swabs and ear curettes
The skin lining the ear canal is a natural barrier that protects the ear from dust, dirt and germs. This barrier is very important for maintaining healthy ears. However, like any other part of our body, the skin in the ears is constantly being renewed. Over time, the surface skin cells die and need to be removed from the body to prevent the accumulation of dead particles.
In order for dead cells to be able to leave the ear naturally, the ear canal is equipped with sebaceous and sulfur glands that secrete a special secretion. This secretion, when mixed with dead cells, forms earwax. Although earwax may seem untidy, it plays an important role in protecting the ear by creating a barrier that does not allow dust and germs to penetrate inside.
There is often a desire to remove wax with cotton swabs or other tools to keep the ears clean. However, this can be dangerous and does more harm than good.
What to do
Ears are an organ that has the ability to clean themselves. When we chew food or talk, jaw movements naturally move wax, along with dirt particles, to the outer part of the ear. That is why there is no need to clean the inside of the ear canal regularly. It is enough to gently wipe the auricle with a soft damp cloth or towel from time to time to remove visible traces of wax.
Using cotton swabs, ear curettes or tampons can lead to a significant portion of the wax being pressed deeper into the ear canal, which, in turn, can provoke the formation of a wax plug. In addition, a stick or curette can damage the delicate skin of the ear canal or even the eardrum, which will lead to serious hearing problems.
What to consider
In most cases, according to doctors, ears do not need to be cleaned at all, since they cope with this task on their own. However, there are people who experience increased wax production, a narrow ear canal or a predisposition to infections. In such cases, there is a risk of earwax plugs, which can cause discomfort and hearing loss.
If you suspect that you have earwax plugs, do not rush to use cotton swabs or other improvised means. It is best to put a few drops of baby oil or hydrogen peroxide in your ear. This will help soften the earwax plug, and within 1-2 days it will naturally come out. After this, you can gently rinse your ear with warm water, avoiding sudden movements and strong pressure. It is important to dry the ear by wiping it with a soft towel to prevent water from getting into the ear canal, which can cause irritation.
If discomfort persists after these procedures, it is better to consult an otolaryngologist. A specialist will be able to safely and effectively remove the plug, as well as give recommendations for ear care, taking into account your individual characteristics.
Tip #2: Change your socks once or twice a day
Why is this important?
The skin of your feet actively secretes sweat, which is necessary to regulate body temperature and prevent overheating. Sweat contains various substances, such as lipids, proteins and hormones. Although sweat itself is almost odorless, these components become a breeding ground for bacteria living on the skin. As a result of the bacteria’s activity, volatile compounds are formed, which give sweat an unpleasant odor.
These bacteria begin to actively multiply immediately after favorable conditions are created, such as high humidity and temperature. Therefore, most people who put on clean socks in the morning already have a characteristic unpleasant odor from their feet by the evening. This happens because bacteria have time to process the components of sweat during the day, releasing metabolic products that cause the odor.
What to do
In order to avoid an unpleasant odor and reduce the risk of developing skin diseases, it is recommended to change your socks at least once a day. This simple step will help prevent bacteria from accumulating on the skin and fabric of your socks, as well as reduce the likelihood of developing fungal and bacterial infections that can affect the skin of your feet and nails.
If you are in high-temperature conditions, such as in the heat, are actively involved in sports, or suffer from excessive sweating of the feet, you should change your socks more often – twice a day. Frequent changing of socks helps keep your feet dry, which significantly slows the growth and reproduction of bacteria and fungi that love a moist environment.
How to choose socks?
It does not matter what material your socks are made of – they should be changed 1-2 times a day. However, materials can still affect the comfort and health of your feet. If you are prone to fungal infections or you often experience rubbing of the feet, choose socks made of materials that wick moisture away from the skin, such as polyester or acrylic. These materials promote rapid evaporation of moisture, which helps keep your feet dry.
People with excessive sweating of the feet are better off with socks that not only absorb moisture but also provide good ventilation. Such products help maintain a cool and dry environment for the feet, reducing the risk of excessive sweating. Usually, socks made of natural materials such as cotton or wool are used for this purpose. These fabrics allow the skin to breathe and prevent the feet from overheating, which is especially important in the warm season.
Also, do not forget that socks need to be washed after each use. Even if the socks do not look dirty, bacteria and fungi can remain on their surface, which will begin to multiply when worn again. Regularly washing socks helps prevent the accumulation of microorganisms and keeps your feet healthy.
Tip #3: Wear underwear as long as it retains its shape and comfort
Why is this important
Some sources recommend changing underwear, especially underwear, every 6 to 12 months. This advice is related to the fact that over time, the fabric can accumulate microbes that can cause various infections. This is especially true for underwear that is worn daily and is often exposed to sweat and other body secretions.
Underwear, as a rule, fits tightly to the body and creates a warm, moist environment, which is ideal for the reproduction of bacteria and fungi. Microorganisms found on the skin, mucous membranes of the genitals or getting on the fabric with feces can survive in such an environment and, under certain conditions, cause infectious diseases. For example, some types of bacteria can cause cystitis or other urogenital infections.
What to do
Despite the fact that the risk of microorganisms accumulating in underwear exists, regularly changing and washing underwear significantly reduces this danger. If a person changes underwear daily and washes it after each wear, using modern detergents, most microbes die. Modern washing powders and gels contain active ingredients such as bleach activators and antibacterial additives that effectively destroy most bacteria and fungi even at low water temperatures.
Even if a small number of microorganisms survive washing, they do not pose a serious threat to health. The body’s immune system is strong enough to cope with this amount of microbes and prevent the development of infection. An important aspect is the regularity of changing underwear and thorough washing, which allows you to maintain the necessary level of hygiene and reduces the risk of disease.
Features and service life of underwear
Regular changing and washing of underwear helps to minimize the microbiological hazard, so underwear does not have a strict expiration date. If your underwear remains intact, does not lose its shape and still fits comfortably, you can continue to wear it.
However, it is important to pay attention to the condition of the fabric. If the underwear begins to lose elasticity, stretches or loses its shape, it may no longer provide the necessary support and comfort. In such cases, it is better to replace it with a new one to maintain maximum comfort and hygiene.
It is also worth considering individual preferences and feelings. If you feel that your underwear is no longer as comfortable as it used to be, or you feel discomfort, this may be a signal that it is time to update your wardrobe.
Tip #4: Shower Daily
Why It Matters?
The question of how often to shower is controversial both among experts and in popular literature. Some experts insist that daily washing is necessary to remove dirt, sweat and dead skin cells. However, there is an opinion that frequent washing can be harmful, since it washes away not only dirt, but also sebum – a natural oil that moisturizes the skin, maintains its microbiome and partially protects against ultraviolet radiation.
What to do?
Sebum plays an important role in protecting the skin, but it is also a breeding ground for bacteria that live on the surface of the skin. These bacteria process the components of sebum, and their waste products create a characteristic body odor.
Sebum is especially actively produced in young people during puberty, as well as in those who wear synthetic clothing, do physical work, or spend a lot of time in hot conditions. In such cases, it is recommended to shower every day to control body odor and maintain hygiene at the proper level.
Features and recommendations
To avoid overdrying the skin, especially in the summer, it is recommended to shower daily, using warm, but not hot water. It is better to limit the duration of the shower to 10 minutes, and to cleanse the skin, choose soft shower gels that do not contain dyes and strong fragrances. Such products gently remove excess sebum without disturbing the protective barrier of the skin.
There is no need to wash your hair every day, unless your hair tends to get dirty quickly, such as in people with oily scalps or those who play sports.
In winter, you can shower every other day, as the skin tends to get dry during this period due to cold air and heating. However, the rules remain the same: use warm water and mild detergents to avoid overdrying the skin.
Tip #5: Make your bed an hour after waking up
Why is this important?
Making your bed protects your bedding from dust and dirt. However, there is a hypothesis that damp sheets covered with a bedspread can promote the proliferation of dust mites – microscopic organisms that can cause allergies in some people. If the bed is left unmade, the sheets dry out and the number of mites may decrease.
What to do?
For people with dust allergies, simply drying the bed will not solve the problem, since the allergy can be caused not only by live mites, but also by their dead remains. To minimize the number of dust mites, it is important to maintain indoor humidity below 50%, use dust-proof covers for mattresses and pillows, wash bed linen once a week at a temperature of at least +60 °C, and regularly carry out wet cleaning.
However, making the bed some time after waking up is a good habit. It allows the bed to dry, which makes sleeping on it more comfortable and slows down the proliferation of bacteria that can cause an unpleasant odor.
Features and recommendations
Although there is no scientific consensus on whether it is necessary to make the bed every day, this habit has more pros than cons. A made bed not only keeps the room tidy, but also helps to set the tone for a productive day.
If you let your linen dry before making your bed after waking up, the benefits of this action become obvious. To do this, just do other morning chores – wash your face, have breakfast or exercise. In about an hour, the bed linen will be dry and can be neatly tucked.
Tip # 6: Use chlorine-containing cleaning products
Why it is important?
Some people avoid using chlorine-containing cleaning products at home, fearing the release of toxic chlorine, which can be harmful to health. However, the correct use of these products helps to effectively combat dirt and germs.
What to do?
The main component of most such products is sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), which, when dissolved in water, forms chlorine compounds that act as powerful oxidizers. These compounds not only bleach, but also destroy the membranes of viruses and the cell walls of bacteria, making chlorine-containing products effective in the fight against germs.
Chlorine gas is released only in a very acidic environment (pH less than 4). To avoid this, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is added to cleaning products, which increases the pH of the solution to a safe level. Therefore, when using chlorine-containing products, it is important not to mix them with acidic products such as vinegar or citric acid to avoid the release of harmful gases.
Features and recommendations
When used according to the instructions and with a frequency of use no more than four times a week, chlorine-containing products do not pose a health risk. These products may cause mild irritation if they come into contact with the skin or eyes, but there will be no serious consequences if the affected areas are quickly washed with water.
However, people with dermatitis or asthma should avoid using such products. In people with dermatitis, chlorine-containing products can aggravate the irritation, and in asthmatics, even small amounts of volatile hypochlorous acid, which can be released during cleaning, can trigger an attack.
Tip #7: Don’t be afraid to use public washing machines and laundries
Why it’s important?
Biofilms can form inside washing machines, which are home to conditionally opportunistic bacteria, such as pseudomonas, citrobacter, and serratia. These microorganisms can cause infections in people with weakened immune systems, especially pregnant women, hospitalized patients, and the elderly.
What to do?
To date, cases of infections caused by opportunistic bacteria from washing machines have been reported only in hospitals and large healthcare facilities. There are no reports of customers of laundries or public washing machines in hotels or hostels becoming ill due to these bacteria.
However, people with weakened immune systems, including pregnant women and those taking immunosuppressants, should avoid doing their laundry in public places. When traveling, it is safer to take your clothes to large, reputable laundries or dry cleaners.
Features and recommendations
If you do not have access to a laundromat or dry cleaner, you can minimize the risk by washing in a public washing machine. Adding a product with bleach activator TAED and active oxygen agents to water allows for effective destruction of bacteria. These products work even at a temperature of +40 °C, which makes them suitable for washing colored items and linen made from natural fabrics.