True Health Facts

Что должно быть в домашней аптечке?

What should be in a home medicine cabinet?

Что должно быть в домашней аптечке?

What should be in a home medicine cabinet?

Today we have prepared for you not a myth, but useful material!

Each home should have the necessary first aid supplies ready until medical personnel arrive or until the morning when specialists can be contacted.

It includes:
  • Accessories for wound treatment and dressing;
  • Medicines;
  • Auxiliary instruments such as tweezers, thermometer and tonometer.
  • Supplies for treating wounds include various types of antiseptics, such as hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green, chlorhexidine, miramistin, furacillin.
  • It is also important to have bandages, cotton wool or sterile dressings, as well as adhesive tape for dressing and protecting wounds.

Medicines needed for treatment include various groups:

  • Analgesics: these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin, nimesulide.
  • Antispasmodics: they can eliminate spasms and relieve pain, including drugs such as drotaverine, papaverine, papazole.
  • Anti-diarrhea medications: among them are smecta, activated carbon, sorbents.
  • Antiallergic drugs recommended even in the absence of allergic manifestations.
  • Flu medicines.
  • Sedatives.

What medications should I take with me on a trip?

When preparing for travel, it is important to create a list of medications that is based on what is typically found in your home medicine cabinet. However, it is worth remembering that there may be differences in available medications in other countries, so it is worth studying their analogues and names in advance.

It is also useful to take into account the specifics of the route and place of stay: for example, in mountainous areas you may need medicine for altitude sickness, and in tropical countries – medicine for mosquitoes and other insects.”

The composition of the first aid kit should be selected taking into account the age of all participants in the trip. You should prepare certain medications for children, your own for adults, and special ones for the elderly.

The main components of a first aid kit include:

  • painkillers,
  • antipyretic drugs,
  • medicines for stomach disorders,
  • antiallergic drugs,
  • antiviral drugs to fight colds,
  • dressings such as bandages and plaster,
  • antiseptics such as iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide.

Don’t forget to bring a few important items with you: sunscreen, burn healing cream, band-aids, and motion sickness medications.

Remember that when transported in hand luggage, all liquids must be no more than 100 ml.

It is also highly recommended that you take out medical insurance to ensure you are prepared for any eventualities during your trip.

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