True Health Facts


7 myths about spinal diseases


7 myths about spinal diseases

Back pain is a problem that almost every person faces sooner or later. There are many myths and unverified claims about the causes and treatments for these unpleasant sensations. Let’s look at a few of them.

Myth 1: Sleeping on a hard mattress is beneficial

There is a well-known opinion that sleeping on a hard mattress is better for your back. However, the facts say otherwise. A mattress that is too hard can place unnecessary pressure on the spine, preventing the muscles from fully relaxing. For people with scoliosis, for example, it is preferable to use a soft mattress that better adapts to the shape of the body.

Myth 2: Osteochondrosis is caused by the deposition of waste and salts

Many people believe that osteochondrosis is the result of the deposition of waste and salts in the spine. However, in fact, this disease is associated with changes in cartilage tissue, as a result of which the intervertebral discs become less elastic and smaller in size. Osteophytes, which can form on the vertebrae during osteochondrosis, are part of the bone, and not waste or salts.

Myth 3: If you have back pain, you shouldn’t move

Restricting movement of the spine is usually recommended only in cases of serious injury. For most other diseases, such as osteochondrosis or scoliosis, physical exercise, on the contrary, can be useful to strengthen the back muscles and prevent further deterioration of the condition.

Myth 4: Spinal traction helps with scoliosis

Many people believe that spinal traction can correct scoliosis. However, this statement is not true. Spinal traction can help cope with the consequences of curvature, but will not eliminate its cause. Complete treatment of scoliosis is possible only in childhood and requires an integrated approach.

Myth 5: Herniated discs are caused by heavy lifting

Lifting heavy weights is often blamed for herniated discs. However, in fact, this is only one of the rare factors that contribute to the development of this disease. A hernia usually occurs due to an imbalance in the spine, where parts of the body deviate from their normal position. This leads to increased stress on the spine and, ultimately, to the formation of a hernia.

Myth 6: Excess weight is the main cause of back problems.

Although obesity can have a negative impact on the spine, it is not the only cause of back problems. People who are underweight may also face similar problems due to weaker muscles and thin bones. It is important to understand that caring for your back health requires a comprehensive approach and includes proper nutrition, moderate physical activity and proper posture.

Bonus: The Pepper Plaster Myth

We recently looked at the issue of mustard patches and their effectiveness. A similar myth exists about pepper patches. They may provide temporary relief from back pain due to their capsaicin content, but they do not treat the cause of the pain. For comprehensive treatment of back diseases, it is necessary to contact specialists and use complex methods, including physical therapy and exercises for the back muscles.

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